The birthstone for June is the moonstone

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Ask what the birthstone for June is and you may hear three different answers.  The June birthstone is often listed as the moonstone, the pearl and Alexandrite.

Here at Christopher Evans in Cheshire we love the moonstone. Its mysterious silver glimmer looks utterly beautiful set alone, with white diamonds or with soft coloured gems such as rose pink tourmalines and lilac sapphires.

Why is it called moonstone?

Moonstones are believed to be named for the bluish white spots within them: When the stone is moved back and forth, silvery rays glint like moonbeams over water.  This is called adularescence and sometimes shows as a multi-rayed star or cat’s eye, rather than the more common single ray.

Pliny, one of ancient Rome’s most studied natural historians said that the moonstone changed in appearance with the phases of the moon, a romantic if false belief that persisted until the sixteenth century. Those superstitious ancient Romans also believed that the image of Diana, their Goddess of the moon and the hunt, was enclosed within it – if you only knew how to look.

What does the moonstone mean for those who own one?

Over the millennia, the moonstone has come to mean many things to many people, but we rather love the romantic belief that if you give your lover a moonstone necklace when the moon is full you will always have passion for one another.

It’s also been said to bring good fortune and is used by mystics to help foretell the future.  As it’s also believed to enhance intuition and promote inspiration, it’s no surprise perhaps that fortune tellers of ancient times would gaze into this stone to help them predict their customer’s future.

Part of the family of minerals called feldspar, moonstone actually comes in a variety of colours such as soft green, gentle blue, peach and champagne, though the cool silvery grey is an eternal favourite.  The most prized moonstones come from Sri Lanka.  They are also found in India, Australia, the United States, Myanmar and Madagascar.

The birthstone for June is the moonstone, a stone for the most romantic of lovers…and we love it.