August’s birthstone is the peridot

Peridot-Yellow-Sapphire-Pendant cAugust’s birthstone is the Peridot (pronounced perry-dot, not perry-doh).  Said to be a stone of healing powers, ancient beliefs link it to the heart chakra and imbue it with the power to strengthen the heart in compassion and in relationships, but particularly in marriage and is associated with love, harmony and dignity.

The splendid vivid green of this glorious stone makes it the perfect birthstone for August: the ideal shade is leaf green with a hint of gold.  Unlike many precious gems, peridot comes in one colour only, though the depth and intensity of the colour can vary from yellowish green to dark olive and even to a brownish green.

The peridot was adored by the ancients; it has been found in Egyptian jewellery from as early as 2,000BC. The ancient Romans loved this captivating green gemstone too and celebrated the fact that its radiant green-gold shine doesn’t change even in artificial light, for which reason they nicknamed it the ’emerald of the evening’.

Peridot was popular in the middle ages and is in many medieval churches across  Europe, where it adorns many a treasure. During the baroque period, the rich green gemstone once again enjoyed a brief popularit and then it somehow lost its fashionable status.

Its recent resurgence in popularity (and not just with the summer-born)  is due in great part to the discovery, in the mid ‘90s, of significant peridot deposits in the Kashmir region. The stones from those deposits have an incomparably beautiful colour and transparency.


The most beautiful stones come from the border area between Pakistan and Afghanistan. However, the peridot as a gemstone also exists in Myanmar, China, the USA, Africa and Australia. Stones from East Burma, now known as Myanmar, have a vivid light green and fine inclusions with a silky shine to them. Peridot from Arizona, where it is popularly used in native American jewellery, often has somewhat yellowish or gold-brown nuances.

All this means that anybody seeking to celebrate their August birthday with their August birthstone can find a stone to suit their demands, from colour to carat weight to cut.

Here at Christopher Evans we love working with beautiful stones and have a precious gem collection open to choose from, or can source the perfect stone to meet your needs.


A list of birthstones in the UK

star rubyEvery month has its own stone, precious or semi-precious, that by ancient wisdom give an indication of the wearer’s personality.

Our goldsmiths, working from our stores in Cheshire, have created some fabulous bespoke pieces using birthstones and you don’t need to spend a fortune to create something truly unique that will be treasured forever.

Many of the stones listed here actually occur naturally in a dazzling rainbow of different colours, so if your birth month is September, but a blue sapphire just doesn’t appeal – choose one in pink, or orange, or green!

Each stone is also, according to ancient belief, imbued with mystical powers that transfer to its wearer, so, whether or not the Aquamarine is your birthstone, by wearing it you are channelling its ability to boost your happiness and courage.  Load of nonsense?  Bit of fun? Whatever…it’s still a lovely stone.

Whatever your colour preference and whatever your budget, our goldsmiths can design and create the perfect piece of jewellery for you, just ask!

So, what’s your stone?

January: Garnet, faith and loyalty

February: Amethyst, sincerity and wittiness

March: Aquamarine, happiness and courage

April: Diamond or Rock Crystal, eternity and love

May: Emerald or Chrysophase, fidelity and fertility

June: Pearl or Moonstone, purity and nobility

July: Ruby or Carnelian, strength and beauty

August: Peridot or Sardonyx, protection and success

September: Sapphire or Lapis Lazuli, serenity and wisdom

October: Opal, hope and creativity

November:  Topaz or Citrine, friendship and healing

December:  Tanzanite or Turquoise, trust and luck