Padparadscha sapphires

00104683-Padrashana-Sapphire-Cluster-1-400x400The Padparadscha is a special variety of sapphire.  The sapphire is a corundum crystal, and comes in all shades of the rainbow. Only two have been awarded their own special name though – the very rare red sapphire, which is called a ruby, and the also very rare orange-pink sapphire, named the padparadscha.

A true padparadscah sapphire is hard to find, as the definition of its colour is tightly defined as a delicate pinkish orange.  The word ‘padparadscha’ is derived from the Singhalese word ‘padmaraga’, used to describe the unique colour of the lotus flower.

Padparadscha sapphire sunsetThe gemstone is neither pink, nor orange, but a glorious combination of the two, reminiscent of a an unforgettable sunset.

Due to its rarity, Padparadscha is one of the world‘s most expensive gems, with prices similar to those fetched by fine rubies or emeralds.

The original locality for padparadscha sapphires is Sri Lanka and many gem collectors believe the term should be restricted only to stones from this location. However, fine stones have also been found in Vietnam’s Quy Chau district, Tanzania’s Tunduru district, and Madagascar.

We love working with the rare and beautiful and this glorious gemstone is one of our favourites.